Best interests

4f References and further reading

An NHS Trust and others (Respondents) v Y (by his litigation friend, the Official Solicitor) and another (Appellants) [2018] UKSC 46

British Medical Association. 2018. Consent to treatment; adults who lack capacity – medical students’ ethics tool kit www.bma.org.uk

Brown, R., Barber, P. & Martin, D. 2015. The Mental Capacity Act 2005: A Guide for Practice 3rd Edition. London. Sage/Learning Matters

Department for Constitutional Affairs. 2007. Mental Capacity Act: Code of practice. London. TSO

Griffiths, R. 2017. Limits to consent to care and treatment. British Journal of Nursing Vol 26; No 16, pp942-943

Grimshaw, K (2020) in Lee, S., Fenge, L-A.., Brown, K. & Lyne, M. (Eds) 2020. Demystifying mental capacity: A guide for health and social care professionals. London. Sage/Learning Matters

Lee, S., Fenge, L-A.., Brown, K. & Lyne, M. (Eds) 2020. Demystifying mental capacity: A guide for health and social care professionals. London. Sage/Learning Matters

Lewis, L. 2019. Why is future care planning so important for people living with frailty? Nursing Older People Vol 31, No.1, pp21

Lyne, S. & Mucci, E. 2018. How can advance care planning enhance end of life care for nursing home residents? Nursing Older People Vol 30, No 7, pp 17

Mental Capacity Act (2005)www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2005/9/contents

National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE). 2018. Decision making and mental capacity. NICE guideline (NG 108) https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng108

Office of the Public Guardian. 2007. Making Decisions: The Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) service. OPG606 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/independent-mental-capacity-advocates

Regan, A. & Sheehy, C. 2016. Understanding MCA law and making Best Interest decisions. Nursing Standard Vol 31, No.14 pp54-63

The National Centre for Post-Qualifying Social Work & Professional Practice. 2019a. Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatment. Bournemouth University www.ncpqsw.com

The National Centre for Post-Qualifying Social Work & Professional Practice. 2018b. Next of Kin: understanding decision making authorities. Bournemouth University www.ncpqsw.com