Deprivation of liberty: Human rights (DoLS) |
Key Learning Points
- There is no statutory definition of what constitutes Deprivation of liberty in the law and decisions are forced to rely on the comments of judges and case law
- DoLS requires six separate assessments to be completed, involving more than one professional
- Any deprivation of liberty must be proportionate, meaning that it must not extend further than the point at which the purpose is achieved, and must be in the individual’s best interests
- DoLS is set to be replaced with Liberty Protection safeguards in 2022
Reflective Exercise
0 Introduction
1 Reflecting on values and bias within mental capacity decision-making
2 The history and current context of mental capacity legislation and policy
3 The concept of mental capacity
4 Best interests
5 Supported decision making
6 Deprivation of liberty: human rights
7 MCA in clinical decisions for care and treatment
8 MCA and the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) role
9 Conclusion