MCA in clinical decisions for care and treatment |
Key Learning points
- Individuals have the right to choose the care and treatment they receive
- Gaining Informed consent to treatment is a fundamental element of safe and legal care and treatment and support should be given by practitioners to individuals in giving Informed consent
- The individual’s capacity to give consent should be presumed, unless otherwise proven
- Different professions may be involved in the assessment of an individual’s capacity
- It is a legal requirement to involve an IMCA to support individuals who lack mental capacity to consent to serious medical treatments and changes to accommodation where the person is “un-befriended”
0 Introduction
1 Reflecting on values and bias within mental capacity decision-making
2 The history and current context of mental capacity legislation and policy
3 The concept of mental capacity
4 Best interests
5 Supported decision making
6 Deprivation of liberty: human rights
7 MCA in clinical decisions for care and treatment
8 MCA and the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) role
9 Conclusion