Conclusion |
Best interest decisions
The purpose of the MCA and its Code of practice (2007) is to promote:
- Person-centred care
- Protect the rights of individuals
- Ensure the right decisions are made
Where a person lacks mental capacity to consent to care and treatment and there are no other legal provisions for decisions to be made on their behalf, decisions regarding care and treatment must be made under Best Interests principles and follow the process for Best Interests, to lead to decisions about care and treatment which are based on the needs, wishes and choices of the individual person, not the desired outcome of professionals, the routine or standards of the service or any targets or limitations of the organisation.
Key learning points
0 Introduction
1 Reflecting on values and bias within mental capacity decision-making
2 The history and current context of mental capacity legislation and policy
3 The concept of mental capacity
4 Best interests
5 Supported decision making
6 Deprivation of liberty: human rights
7 MCA in clinical decisions for care and treatment
8 MCA and the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) role
9 Conclusion